Architect or client? It’s about you the client!
- I listen carefully to your briefing to understand cost limits, functional needs & priorities. So starts our path to your tailored solution. A clear design process leads us there.
- Your ideas can be the best. So I’d help you realise them. But I also test them. By suggesting alternatives to give you choice.
- We work together, step by step. Therefore you control the pace of progress.
- Your project can reduce carbon emissions & energy bills. So I advise on technologies and relevant legislation. The design can be to Passivhaus+ standard.
- Your property is an asset. So I design within budget. To preserve and add value.
- I create & lead the design team of professionals needed. For example a structural engineer. Whose work I co-ordinate into one cohesive design.
- I can help you protect your family or employees, and your property. Achieved by designing compliantly with the law.
- Dealing with builders to get a fair price and acceptable quality? That’s challenging! I’m here to help you. By taking care of all commercial & legal procedures.
Sharp client focus from the boss.
I’ve a track record in client satisfaction and excellent design value. Referees available.
You employ Thinkingpencil Limited. I am its director and only employee. Meaning you receive only my individual attention.
The company is fully insured and resilient. The benefits of its systems are preservation and security of your data.
My success is based on managing balance. Between my capacity and the number of projects at any one time. Ensuring a reliable service to all.
I have design, communication and management capabilities from forty years’ practise. On many building types and project scales. From the refined residential and small commercial designs I do today. To schools, offices, police and university facilities in the past.
I live and work in Macclesfield. Working effectively throughout the northwest. I travel widely. Because it’s important to maintain and increase design vocabulary. As shown in my Instagram feed @macclesfieldarchitects .