First image released! Read more about this innovative cantilever design for a family home at Cheshire East planning applications. Clients Tom and Gemma say:- “We are a growing family. So we need more bedrooms. We interviewed four Macclesfield architects . Mark’s was not the lowest fee. But we chose him. Because of the four only he talked about space and light.” This is a unique solution using cantilever design. Which means balanced structure with no columns.
Why is this cantilever design needed?
Because without columns free access is maintained. To an existing garage door. And the front door. So the result is smooth spatial flow. The design is innovative because it applies steel framed structure to a house with none. Framed structure here means walls are built on beams. Instead of on foundations in the ground. So the cantilever design of the new bedroom’s walls makes them float. Over access to doorways below. Here is the existing house.
There are many examples of cantilever design. For example sports stadia often have roofs of balanced structure with no columns. Why? To provide views uncluttered with columns. Read about Tottenham Hotspur’s here at the The Institute of Structural Engineers.
Is this the first project using a frame?
No! See my “Sky Frame Pocket Corner Doors”. Here is more balanced structure with no columns. Cantilever design enables the corner of the building to open into the kitchen. Unobstructed by any corner column. This project and the Sky Frame one are both examples of my innovation. Because they are not the same old solution. Rather they challenge the normal in domestic architecture. Creating something special!